Waivers Of Mandatory Retirement Ages And Company Performance
In today’s competitive corporate landscape, a company’s board refreshment policy should aim to ensure that board agendas are robustly debated with a variety of perspectives present. This multitude of perspectives as an integral part of the organisation’s decision-making bodies has often been termed “cognitive diversity”.
This article seeks to further elaborate upon certain aspects of CGLytics’ S&P 500: Increasing Boardroom Diversity Report, with a particular focus on age diversity within the boardroom, and examines the costs and benefits of waiving the mandatory retirement age for directors. The data included in this report is based on the same data set used in the publication, incorporating board composition data as of year end 2018.
Jaco holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Accounting and Finance from the University of Reading. He has gained experience as a research analyst from his enrollment at the Henley Business School and the International Capital Market Association Centre.